Rocking 2008 :)
2008 rocks! I generally stick to nice, my sis-in-law has introduced me to 'Rocking':)
That aside, 2008 has easily been the most enjoyable year so far in my life. I have been the fittest this year too, got a raise, got a promotion, have cut my hair real short after about 10 years, may be :) Very eventful, the biggest event ofcourse is our wedding! I am still getting used to being referred to as Mrs and Mr though :D
India trip was hectic and packed with activities right from the instant we stepped into Bombay. Mom and Dad's Shashtipoorthi was the next day. It was beautiful, 13 priests were performing the rituals. Mom and Dad were exhausted by the end of the day, but ecstatic :) I and Suraj will have a similar one 35 years later, hehe.

Mehendi the next day, it was not so much fun for me as it was others watching me ;) 4 hrs hence, it looked all worth the ordeal. The next day was an ice-breaking day for his and my families to meet and talk. Pre-engagement or the Varadham was on the day prior to the weddding, engagement, car-ride(I forget the ritual name..) in the evening. The next day began with Oonjal, Kashi-yatra, wedding, Satya narayan Puja, then the reception. The rituals I enjoyed the most were the Oonjal and Kashi yatra. I set my eyes on Suraj and my, he was sooo good looking in the veshti, viboothi and all :P He seemed very comfortable throughout the ceremony, be it chanting the Sanskrit shlokas or handling the 100 aunties and their instructions; and this kept me at ease :) I loved the songs the ladies sang for our Oonjal. I found the dodging part in the mala-exchange very amusing :) The 9 yard saree, or the heavy embroidered sarees, or traditional gold sarees, with the countless jewelery clad head to toe, I looked like a supernatural deity! It was fun being treated like a queen, hehe.

Our honeymoon trip to Kerela was scheduled the very next day. Kerela, God's own country lives upto its name. It is beautiful, clean, green, and very well-maintained. We did Munnar, Periyar, Thekkady, Kumarakam, Cochin. Its hard to say whats the best, every place was prettier than the other. Elephant ride, boat rides, wild life sanctuary, tea gardens, massage parlours, Kathakali, Martial arts, were the highlights of the trip. Have never had that delicious Aapam ,veg stew ever!
Back to B'lore where my mom-in-law had arranged a reception function. Some of my collegues and friends, and all of his relatives attended. Puttaparti trip was something none of us would forget, for many reasons. Lost a paati on the way, finding restaurants, car registration expired, petroleum strike in B'lore. All in all, mom-in-law was happy that we could have a glance of Baba.
Bombay now for my bro's wedding. Had been stressed out at my wedding, and couldnt really enjoy the food as much. Made sure I had it all at my bro's wedding. We had a blast! They had a reception party in Pune, and the DJ was awesome.
Started packing for SF, and we realized how 3 weeks just flew by! Landed in SF, its been a month and we still have to unpack all ;)
Personally, life stays the same, just more exciting, every day feels a Fri now that I see him day in and day out :D