Fly to the sky

Monday, November 12, 2007

Developments - last few months

Seems like ages since I blogged. So many events transpired, got to pen down the ones on the top of my head. Aug began with a bang, well literally. We went for the HRHK Rath yatra. Well, that was awesome. Amidst the Golden Gate park, the procession was very exciting, so was the food and the exhibits. All good but for my car parked. I parked in a drive-way! Well, it didnt look like one. It had broken red line.. ah, whatever, got towed, my first ticket and $350! So, may first times for my poor car who just turned an year.. an accident on a rainy day. A Hyundai Santro bumped into my car from the rear. His car skid, atleast thats what the driver claims.

Well, not all events were regretful. Went to Tahoe, my first in summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. Had friends visiting us from the east coast, some from India as well. My brothers moved here from Phoenix. Mom visited. Great food, trekking, visiting places, badminton, foosball, sketching, painting and many more. Lots of fun. Oracle Diwali was celebrated on the Nov 2. Performed this year as well, this year was particularly special because I was performing with my JM ;) There was a Qawali and a Tamil folk, Randakka. Have discovered dance as a new hobby now, one area I never dared to explore in my college times :)

We are gearing up for our India trip, the first one since I came to the US. Very excited, nervous and a bit apprehensive of lot of stuff. Its my bro's wedding and that sure is gonna be lot of fun! Will shuttle between Bombay and Hyderabad. Am hoping all goes well as expected :)


Blogger Arthapodtron said...

Anyone else apart from your brother's moved in?

2:02 PM  

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