Hocking hills trip

At Columbus with parents and bro, came in after graduation...and its just chill time. Never ever get tired of doing the routine eat-sleep-workout-movies thingy, its fun. We thought of breaking this routine and throw some adventure into the otherwise lazy days and hence came up the trip to Hocking hills - exciting, thrilling and electrifying are just a few words I can come up with to describe the experience. Mom and Dad were exhausted and worn-out, but they thoroughly enjoyed nevertheless.
We drove from Columbus on the Friday night, took us a few hours to reach Hocking hills, the drive was scenic and beautiful, cool and relaxing, there have been only a few times I felt so close to nature...the cabin was an 'A-frame', set in a private and wooded area. All amenities, very comfy, with family for company, in the woods, nice weather, Mom's food, greenery so far that your eyes can see, there is nothing on earth you could wish for...hehe, thats an overstatement, but you get the point.
Friday night was spent just exploring the neighborhood, gazing at the starry clear sky, and the spa, food and beer :) Our adventure began with canoeing on Saturday morning at the Hocking river...Mom and bro on one canoe, me and Dad in the other. It was a two hour ride and I have not laughed so much in a long time now, haha...my bro's canoe toppled, they dropped their rowing paddle, it was scary but a damn funny sight. We were fast and cool, I didnt bother for the life jacket either...the weather was hot that day, but Mom and bro swore the water was dead cold, hehe....We went for horse ride at 4. The ride was throught the woods, some steep slopes, muddy roads, small streams, and the rest of the roads were smooth. It was about an hour...my first ride on a horse but definitely would not be the last one:) We were taught some signals to control the horse, to steer it, to prevent it from hogging on the grass on the way, to 'Who-who' stop it when it gallops fast n all. It was a dead-beat event, but thoroughly lively. A deer crossed us once, my horse got excited and jumped at the sight, but nothing scares me...hehe:D
We trekked on Conkle's hollow for the rest of the evening, and by the time we headed home I was absolutely exhausted. Some time in the spa and I was rejunevated, and could be up for 2 movies after some food and drinks :) If we thought day1 was action-packed, day2 was a lot more hectic and thrilling. We covered Old man's cave, Ash cave, and Cedar falls. Each trek was close to 2 miles, some involved such hilly routes and so much curvy ups and downs, it could have tired any great athlete to death. But I was longing for only more of this greenery, and the thrill and adventure.
On Day3, we started with the Rock house, and Cantwell Cliffs. The tunnel like corridors on our ways added only more spice to the ever beautiful forest. The Cantwell cliffs has such dense forest area and so many streams to cross by, we almost got lost in one of the never ending oh-so-narrow trails....a little freaky, but it seemed so much fun when we were out of the trail. Lost my sunglasses in one of these treks and the sun suddenly seemed harder on me. Lake Logan was our next destination, helped me cool down....We drove through Athens. Spent some time in the State park and Ohio University, where my bro graduated from 3 yrs back...
Drove back to Columbus, slept thru the drive...drained but pleased that this trip happened.
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