The big day of my life: Graduation

I took almost 2 years to finish my Masters, could have chosen to finish it up in an year and half, but never bothered to try that...always thought it was a cool journey, did put in some effort, some night outs, some big fights and arguments but never felt any pain, hehe...okay, some pain but a lot of fun! Made the best of friends here without whom CMU would not have been the same for sure, the profs with whom we fought, those we bitched about, those we really loved and respected, the researches and the crib about funds, the ever soporific lectures, the assignments, vivas, endless presentations and the ever lasting demos, our constant excuse for the clients whenever the demo fails, 'O, it just ran fine in my system...must be some version or compatibility problem', and all the free food we managed to get in the campus, haha. Will never forget any of these...
Mom, Dad, brothers, friends were there for my graduation ceremony. Wow, never did I imagine I did such a great deal by graduating from CMU....could feel the sense of pride as we marched towards the Gesling stadium from Wean hall, only then was the sense of achievement and pride sinking in. I told myself, if everybody says so, yeah...must be true, I must have done something truly remarkable :) Cant say about everybody else, but Mom/Dad were on the seventh heaven...I could see the excitement and delight in their faces. Qutar highness, the keynote speaker was a drag...but the rest were bearable, hehe. The student representative lecture was quite inspiring...others said so, I slept thru all the lectures, man...havent been to a single
lecture in life that had kept me up and 'listening' :) If breakfast was good, lunch was even better...desserts were just amazing!
Our degrees were conferred upon at the Carnegie Music Hall. Wonder why these Americans ask for Phonetic names, they make a mess of the names anyways...wouldnt necessarily blame them, if Indian names are tough, south indian names are a big time tongue twister:)
At the end of the day, lot of photo sessions, some sob talk, some happy memories...and some special intimate moments to cherish :)
Oh wow I'm so proud:)
Congrats on ure Graduation dudette
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