Cable car trip was one of the most well planned trips I took my parents to. The cab came on time to take us to the Hillsdale Cal train station, the train on time, the connecting bus#30 on time, and we were aboard the cable car at 4! We covered the Golden Gate Bridge, China town, Union square, Presidio. The cable car left from the Fisherman’s wharf, and covered all the places very beautifully. The tour guide explains all the history and events as they happen. We drove past the Lombard, crooked street. We stopped at the Golden Gate Bridge for snaps, drove across the bridge. Always wondered why you would call a Brick-Red Bridge golden…I understand the mystery and awe that the construction and the artistic architecture this structure holds, but wish it was actually “Golden”. Wow, the 2 hour trip was an absolute joy! Had a quick bite at a restaurant, and headed back home. Bus#30 at 7, at the SFO station at 7:45, the train at 8, connecting cab on time and home by 9! Parents were so happy, am glad they had a good time. They felt so proud, and I smile as they say ‘This is the most beautiful city I have been to’!
On a different note…I go one way one day and the other way on another day. Guess, am befuddled to the core, to say that am puzzled is just an understatement. I thought I knew what I wanted from life, but no…I have not the slightest idea. I try to distance myself from things I like…I humor myself by thinking this makes me emotionally stronger, but it leaves me enervated….there is no action that you could do to please everybody, every act causes pain to at least one beloved, what does one do then? I just want to follow my heart, do what it tells me to…. And not meditate on right or wrong. The more I mull over a matter, the muddier it gets.
I believe that things fall into place. Maybe you should too.
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