San fransisco

In the CMU West, NASA Campus now. Peaceful and cool, this place is beautiful. The last week has been full of fun and excitement. Phone interview with Intel on the 4th, they asked me to fly to Phoenix for the next rounds sometime in Jan last week. 3rd round Google interview on the 5th. Flew from Pittsburgh to Sanfransisco on the 5th, had my interview with Oracle on the 6th. The day was hectic but I guess it was fun too. The buildings were nicely laid in circles around a lake. The scenic beauty was breathtaking. There are caffetarias and canteens in each building, each one devoted to a variety of cuisines. There is a huge gym, basket ball and badminton courts as well. Had selected 5 groups, mostly architecture related, development position. Each group took 1 hour, 15 mins. There was an interview with the manager and the lead developer in each team. There were puzzles, algorithms, technical questions, was even asked to code on the white board. I fumbled at a few points but they were there to help. They were there to look at the aptitude and the approach that you took to problem solution. Had lunch with a CMU alumnus, he was damn cool too. He took me around the campus, gave me inside tips as well :) Overall had a good day, was damn tired when I was done with all the interviews at 6 and headed back to the hotel, my last interviewer dropped me to the hotel...had a good dinner at the hotel, watched back2back Monk series before I hit the bed.
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